Real Estate E&O

E and O Additional Insured

Real Estate E&O, Franchisors, & Additional Insured Endorsements

If you’re a real estate franchisee, your real estate franchise likely requires that you carry $1 million in real estate errors & omissions insurance coverage (aka a real estate professional liability policy). Real estate franchises will also typically ask that the independently owned & operated franchisees add the franchisor as “additional insured” on the franchisee’s …

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Firm vs Individual Real Estate E&O Insurance

Firm vs. Individual Real Estate E&O Insurance

Real estate E&O is a complicated insurance product that many real estate agents (& insurance agents) do not fully understand. You’ll see errors & omissions insurance called different things: real estate “professional liability,” “errors and omissions,” “E&O,” and “E and O”. Just know they are all different terms for the same thing. That said, the …

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agent-owned property E&O sale flip

E&O Coverage: Property Developed / Constructed by Related Entity

Many real estate agents sell property through their real estate firm that they developed or constructed. Other agents commonly sell property that their spouse or a related company/entity developed/constructed. While this is common in the real estate, construction, and development world, many agents and builders are unaware that real estate agents often have little to …

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Individual E&O Best Practices

Renewing Individual E&O | Best Practices for Real Estate Brokers

Real estate brokers and agents in mandatory states for real estate E&O insurance generally have the options of carrying a firm E&O policy, individual policies for each agent, or/and an excess policy. We break down the differences between these policies more fully in this blog. If you or your real estate agency has spoken with …

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Defense Costs Errors & Omissions Professional Liability E&O

What are Professional Liability (E&O) Defense Costs?

As a real estate agent or professional, you need to to understand what professional liability defense costs are. Most professional liability or errors and omissions (E&O) insurance policies frequently mention defense costs. In this article, we will explore what defense costs are and how they are covered by insurance. We will also give you specific …

What are Professional Liability (E&O) Defense Costs? Read More »

Professional liability, E and O, E&O, Errors and Omissions Coverage Real Estate Missing

10 Coverages Missing in Real Estate Errors & Omissions Policies

Real Estate E&O: Apples to Apples Comparison? Real Estate errors & omissions (E&O) insurance is a specialized and nuanced coverage. Brokers will often find these 10 critical real estate errors & omissions coverage missing in their real estate errors & omissions policy. In the insurance world, cheap online “quote, bind, and issue” business insurance policies …

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when to report E and O Errors and Omissions real estate claim

Reporting E&O Claims: What Real Estate Brokers Need to Know

Reporting Real Estate E&O Claims As a real estate agent, you, your principal broker, or firm have probably paid good money to ensure that you are adequately covered by errors & omissions (E&O) insurance. But simply having a policy is not enough. You must also be aware of the reporting requirements for both claims and …

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Real Estate Contingent Bodily Injury & Property Damage E&O BI/PD Coverage

BI/PD E&O Coverage | Why All Real Estate Brokers Need It

What are Real Estate BI/PD E&O Claims? Real Estate Contingent Bodily Injury & Property Damage coverage (BI/PD E&O Coverage) covers claims when a real estate professional is responsible for causing an injury through their actions, advice, an error, or omission. In other words, it is liability resulting indirectly from your professional services as a real …

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